Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap

They arrive at the restaurant and find Wu Wei already seated at a table. Yin Guo excuses herself to the restroom. Meanwhile, Wu Wei jests with Lin Yi Yang, amused that he went to such lengths just for Ramen. Lin Yi Yang, wanting to shift the conversation, requests a POT of wine. Wu Wei, curious, inquires about how Lin Yi Yang met Yin Guo. Lin Yi Yang shares that they met in a billiard room among many professional players, and mentions that Yin Guo is preparing to compete in a Nine-Ball open tournament.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YoutUbe

When Yin Guo joins them, Wu Wei mentions that he learned about her participation in the nine-ball competition, revealing that he, too, is entering the same event. She queries if Wu Wei and Lin Yi Yang attended the same college, to which Wu Wei explains that they’ve been friends since childhood. He arrived at the college first and later assisted Wu Wei with his study abroad applications.

Lin Yi Yang arrived a year before Wu Wei but graduated a year later, as his program was three years long compared to Wu Wei’s one-year program. Wu Wei adds that if Lin Yi Yang decides to pursue a PhD now, it would mean Wu Wei will have to return home alone.

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In the meantime, Yin Guo opts to order Ramen Noodles. Lin Yi Yang heads to the counter to place the order. During this time, Wu Wei learns about Yin Guo’s plans to compete in a tournament and realizes she’ll need accommodation. He offers her the option to rent a room at his place. Curious about nearby facilities, she asks if there’s a billiard club close by, to which Lin Yi Yang confirms there is.

Wu Wei and Yin Guo then exchange WeChat contacts, and she mentions she’ll need to discuss the accommodation offer with her brother. After finishing their dinner, Lin Yi Yang offers to TAKE Yin Guo home.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTUbe

Lin Yi Yang – Are you cold? How about I buy you a cup of milk tea to warm you up?

Yin Guo – No. Didn’t we just finish dinner? I still feel warm.

They start walking through the Blizzard. She notices a couple making out and start feeling awkward. He notices her awkwardness and smiles inwardly. she does not know what to say. Therefore , she starts abrupt conversation on hot Dog.

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Yin Guo – That hot dog I said tasted bad was bought at that gas station. We just passed it, did you see it?

Lin Yi Yang – I wonder how bad it tasted that it’s so memorable for you.

Yin Guo – Really bad. Only bread and ham, no lettuce or sauce either. Have you eaten it?

Lin Yi Yang – I have.

Yin Guo – Were you also tricked into buying such bad food?

Lin Yi Yang – I wanted to.

Yin Guo – Why?

During their relaxed chat, Lin Yi Yang observes that the coast is clear from the earlier distraction, signaling to her that they can resume their intended path. They begin walking once more. At last, they arrive at the hotel.

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Upon their arrival, Lin Yi Yang notices that Yin Guo’s brother, Meng Xiaotian, has come downstairs to greet them. Meng Xiaotian expresses his gratitude to Lin Yi Yang for escorting Yin Guo back safely, and they exchange farewells. Curious, Yin Guo questions her brother about his decision to come down. Meng Xiaotian explains that Lin Yi Yang had informed him of their imminent arrival and suggested he meet them, mentioning the presence of a bar downstairs which might have been a concern.

When Yin Guo probes about the nature of his concern, Meng Xiaotian hints at the possibility of encountering drunk individuals. Yin Guo then questions why her brother has suddenly started referring to Lin Yi Yang by his full name, a departure from the familiarity of calling him ‘Lin.’ Meng Xiaotian clarifies that it was Lin Yi Yang’s preference, indicating that this is the name by which others know him.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

Back at the hotel, after freshening up, Yin Guo checks her phone and finds a message from Wu Wei hinting that Lin Yi Yang has a crush on someone. Before she can delve deeper, she notices the message being deleted on the request of Lin Yi Yang as he mentions that she might see it , sparking her curiosity about the identity of Lin Yi Yang’s crush.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

When Lin Yi Yang returns to his apartment, he finds Wu Wei in the midst of a workout. Wu Wei immediately questions Lin Yi Yang’s choice of snack, pointing out its lack of quality. Lin Yi Yang defends his decision, explaining he wanted to experience how bad it was for himself, leading to a humorous exchange about bad tastes. Wu Wei teases Lin Yi Yang about his crush, but Lin Yi Yang deflects, saying he’s off to do laundry. He then looks up Yin Guo’s profile, learning she attended Mingde Primary School.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

Meanwhile, Yin Guo and her brother, Meng Xiaotian, discuss the advantages of renting an apartment for its affordability. During this conversation, Lin Yi Yang texts Yin Guo, inquiring if she’s asleep. The exchange reveals Yin Guo’s inability to sleep, not due to jet lag but possibly the excitement from the delicious ramen.

Lin Yi Yang modestly downplays the ramen’s quality, leading to a light-hearted debate about its taste. As Meng Xiaotian grows curious about Yin Guo’s late-night correspondent, she misdirects him by claiming she’s messaging her coach, Mr. Chen. Lin Yi Yang continues their chat with a promise to treat her to more meals, keeping the conversation flowing.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

After finishing his laundry, Lin Yi Yang returns, and Wu Wei realizes that today marks an important occasion—it’s his 27th birthday. Lin Yi Yang mentions he had no intention of celebrating this year.

Simultaneously, Meng Xiaotian shares with Yin Guo that Wu Wei had shared a post on his social media Moments about Lin Yi Yang having a crush, but then removed it. Curious, he speculates on the type of woman Lin Yi Yang might be interested in. Yin Guo, seeking to end the conversation, gently encourages him to go to bed.

Meanwhile, Wu Wei shares with Lin Yi Yang that Yin Guo has agreed to the idea of sharing rent, but he expresses concerns about the landlord’s approval. Since the landlord typically rents out rooms to students, and the siblings don’t fit this criterion, Wu Wei suggests that Lin Yi Yang might have better luck in negotiating with the landlord.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

Upon waking up the next morning, Lin Yi Yang is surprised to find his living room occupied by numerous children and one of his brothers. When one child inquires about his identity, another child labels him as the “junior master” of Dongxin city, a title Lin Yi Yang dismissively corrects. He insists they address him simply as Lin or Yi Yang, rejecting the formal title with a hint of irritation.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

Upon leaving his apartment, Lin Yi Yang heads to his favorite dining spot. When the owner inquires about his order, Lin Yi Yang, uncharacteristically disinterested in breakfast, requests a beer instead. The restaurant owner then comments on the attractiveness of the girl Lin Yi Yang had brought with him previously, probing if she was the one Lin Yi Yang had been curious about since their first encounter and asking when exactly they met. Lin Yi Yang recalls that it was the night he ended up sleeping at the restaurant due to a snowstorm.

The owner observes that Lin Yi Yang hardly spoke to her the previous night, prompting Lin Yi Yang to reflect on his past behavior of being harsh and causing hurt, especially in phone conversations. The owner suggests that not seeing faces can lead to misunderstandings and advises that the girl won’t understand Lin Yi Yang’s feelings unless he communicates them directly.

Lin Yi Yang admits they’ve only just met and don’t know each other well, finding it easier to express his interest through actions like buying her meals rather than engaging in deep conversation. The owner encourages him to speak his mind, assuring him that this will help convey his feelings more effectively. Encouraged by the conversation, Lin Yi Yang smiles and decides to order a bowl of ramen instead.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

Meanwhile, Yin Guo is at the billiards club with Su Wei, reflecting on the events of the previous night. Su Wei playfully remarks that Yin Guo couldn’t stay away, to which Yin Guo responds that there were three of them that night, but finds herself too distracted to concentrate on the game. Eventually, she decides to take a break and, upon checking her phone, feels disappointed that there haven’t been any new posts on Moments from him.

On the other side, he is seen staring at his phone, unsure of what to post, his hopeful gaze fixed on the screen. From outside the restaurant, his brother Jiang Yang, who has just arrived from China, observes him through the glass window. The restaurant owner points out to Lin Yi Yang that someone outside seems to be looking for him.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

Stepping out of the restaurant, Lin Yi Yang is met by his brother Jiang Yang, who challenges him to a game. Lin Yi Yang takes him to the club, where Jiang Yang expresses his surprise at both Wu Wei’s academic prowess and Lin Yi Yang’s unexpected success, given their past academic struggles. Lin Yi Yang reflects on how everyone doubted his ability to make it, yet he’s not only managed to survive but also thrive, illustrating his autonomy with the metaphor of being able to pick up or put down the cue stick at his discretion, signifying his ability to navigate life on his own terms.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

Wu Wei finds himself amidst a curious group of kids at the apartment, diving into tales from the past. He shares that Lin Yi Yang and Jiang Yang were both taken under the wing of Mr. He as apprentices in the same year, merely days apart, despite a six-year age difference between them. They were Mr. He’s last two students, with Lin Yi Yang being the cherished closed-door disciple among Mr. He’s select six disciples. Before Mr. He retired, it was said he had finally found two prodigious talents. Among them, Lin Yi Yang was recognized for his exceptional natural ability, having sought out Mr. He’s tutelage on his own initiative.

The children are impressed to learn from Wu Wei that Lin Yi Yang clinched a championship title at just thirteen, becoming a national champion. Wu Wei explains the tradition of respect due to winners of the first or second place in such competitions, noting that Jiang Yang had won a championship before Lin Yi Yang, placing Lin Yi Yang in a position of respect towards Jiang Yang.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

Conversely, when Jiang Yang inquires about any challenges Lin Yi Yang might be facing, Lin Yi Yang responds with assurance, claiming he doesn’t find anything in life too difficult to handle. This exchange takes place as they make their way to the Billiard Club, where the conversation shifts to a more personal topic. Jiang Yang, hinting at his knowledge of Lin Yi Yang’s feelings, brings up the post on Moments related to Lin Yi Yang’s crush. Lin Yi Yang, somewhat disheartened, admits that the person he’s interested in might not share his feelings.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

Jiang Yang challenges Lin Yi Yang’s lack of confidence, leveraging his own experiences to advise that one should always play to their strengths, notably pointing out Lin Yi Yang’s good looks as a key advantage. Lin Yi Yang, seeking advice on interacting with girls, humorously asks if he should start by acquiring an emoji pack, to which Jiang Yang dismissively reminds him not to waste his natural charm. Lin Yi Yang jests that consulting Jiang Yang might have been a mistake.

The conversation then shifts as Jiang Yang queries Lin Yi Yang about his PhD application, which Wu Wei had mentioned. Lin Yi Yang confirms, leading Jiang Yang to question his commitment to a potential return to their shared pastime, given Lin Yi Yang’s daily practice. Lin Yi Yang attributes his routine to habit and boredom, claiming it as his sole form of entertainment. Jiang Yang half-jokingly warns Lin Yi Yang that he might not win the next time, prompting Lin Yi Yang to accept the challenge for a future rematch.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – YouTube

Jiang Yang then reminisces about Lin Yi Yang’s first day at the club, evoking a memory of a rainy evening arrival. Lin Yi Yang vividly recalls consuming two bowls of ramen, bundling up in warm clothes, and biking to the club, only to discover the renowned Dongxin City was nestled within a rundown factory.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Ep 03 Recap Image source – You Tube

He notes the changes over the years, with Jiang Yang proudly stating that they now own the entire yard. Lin Yi Yang congratulates Jiang Yang on his success and, eager to move past their nostalgic exchange, urges him to grab the cue so they can start their game.

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