Castaway Diva – Episode 3 Recap

On an isolated island, Seo Mok-Ha stands at a cliff’s edge above the sea, wrestling with the decision to end her life. She peers into the depths, deliberating the leap.


Elsewhere, Yoon Ran-Joo is at a hospital, poised on the rooftop, similarly engulfed in thoughts of suicide.


As Seo Mok-Ha plunges into the ocean, the struggle to stay afloat begins. But something catches her eye above the water’s surface, prompting her to fight her way back up.


Meanwhile, Ran-Joo, seated at the rooftop’s edge and overcome with emotion, has abandoned her fatal resolve.


In the ocean, Seo Mok-Ha stumbles upon an enigmatic container with a pigeon resting atop it. Driven by intrigue, she opens it, and her face registers shock as the camera zooms in for a close-up.

Meanwhile, the former manager of Yoon Ran-joo, now a CEO, is delivering a speech at a gathering.


He claims that in the realm of entertainment, attention is the most valuable commodity. It can propel one to great heights, but like anything valuable, it’s fleeting, constantly shifting, and eventually fades away.

Yoon Ran-joo is penning a heartfelt note to her supporters, indulging in alcohol and cigarettes against a backdrop of her old manager’s declaration.


The now-CEO is advocating for the cultivation of fresh talent, asserting that once a flower wilts, it’s deemed worthless. His phone begins to ring amidst his address to potential investors, where he announces the rebranding of Ran Joo Entertainment to Rhythm and Joy Entertainment. He ignores the call from Ran-Joo. AFTER THE EVENT ENDS,he casually offers her a minor spot at a local show during a later conversation. Disinterested, she declines, unwilling to endure the indignity that comes with it.

It seems that Ran-joo has now fallen on hard times, residing in a basement apartment. She’s behind on rent, a fact that her landlords have communicated to her agency.


Facing her landladies, Ran-joo challenges them on their conduct. While they claim to have connected through their shared admiration for her, it becomes clear they have been exploiting her situation. They had initially attempted to shield her from harsh online criticism, but with the rent unpaid, they find themselves unable to continue their support. Consequently, they decide to stop being her fans.

Regaining her composure, Ran-joo reaches out to President Lee to express her gratitude for arranging the performance. President Lee, who once eagerly recruited her to his agency, now coldly ends the call midway. As she is about to light a cigarette, her current manager intervenes, reminding her that artists dislike the scent. It becomes evident that she no longer has the luxury of a personal vehicle.

Later, we see Ran-joo standing before the same stage she performed on in episode 2, astonished to discover that someone has set everything up for her.


This reignites the spark of hope within her, and as she steps back into the spotlight, social media erupts with mentions praising her act. Amidst the applause, she ponders why the same people who once forgot her are now lauding her performance. This reflection strengthens her resolve not to surrender.

In a poignant moment, she embraces Seo Mok-Ha, both finding solace in each other after nearly losing everything in their lives.

In the meantime, Beo-Geol urges his senior to watch Ran-joo’s performance, wanting to secure her for their show immediately.


Yet, when they reach out, her manager declines, falsely claiming she suffers from stage fright, despite knowing the offer is from the renowned variety show Heyday. His excuse doesn’t hold, and while Beo-Geol is keen to meet Ran-joo personally, her manager blocks the encounter.

Yoon Ran-joo is taken aback when she learns that Seo Mok-ha managed to survive on an island for 15 years, yet Mok-ha maintains a positive outlook. She’s outraged that the agency exiled her to such a fate, but Ran-joo reveals her long-held desire to connect with a fan like her.

Mok-ha musters the bravery to inquire if Ran-joo remembers the video message she once sent. Ran-joo affirms she does and even went to Seoul station in hopes of meeting her, a revelation that surprises Mok-ha.


She muses that their meeting could have changed everything, possibly elevating her to stardom over someone named Eun Mo-Rae.

Overhearing their conversation is Wook-Hak, who’s shocked to learn that the Eun Mo-Rae they’re discussing is the one she nurtured into fame.

Grateful, Ran-joo thanks Mok-ha for arranging everything. Mok-ha encourages Ran-joo to stay strong and assures her of her unwavering support as a fan.


Woo-Hak, meanwhile, is irate that Ran-joo isn’t more outraged by her lost chance at fame, which Eun Mu-Rae has now seized. Mok-Ha’s fury, however, is directed at Eun Mu-Rae for usurping the position that was meant for Yoon Ran-Joo, and she’s determined to confront Lee Seo-Jun over this. Woo-Hak is taken aback by Mok-ha’s concern for Ran-joo’s well-being over her own, suggesting that Jung Ki-Ho would be livid over the situation. He can’t fathom how Mok-ha missed her shot at stardom and urges her to act, to reclaim the life that was hers 15 years ago. Yet, Mok-ha insists on not adding to Ran-joo’s struggles.

Suddenly, Ran-joo’s presence interrupts them; apparently the agency requires the car for Eun Mu-Rae, signaling her to return to Seoul with Mok-Ha and Woo-Hak.

Bo-Gyeol arrives at his residence while on a phone call, emphasizing the urgency of locating Yoon Ran-Joo. Upon entering, he finds Woo-Hak engrossed in the television, and an argument quickly ensues.

Woo-Hak adamantly believes that He is actually Jung Ki-Ho and praises Mok-ha’s vocal talents, claiming she outshines Eun Mu-Rae and that her prime was unjustly taken from her 15 years prior. Bo-Gyeol grows frustrated with Woo-Hak’s relentless fixation on Seo Mok-Ha’s past and his supposed identity as Jung Ki-Ho. In the heat of the moment, overwhelmed with emotion, Woo-Hak inadvertently lets slip that Mok-Ha resides on the top floor of their dwelling.

Mok-Ha and Yoon Ran-Joo spend time together, engaging in conversations about Ran-Joo’s past successes and eventually, they begin to celebrate with an impromptu party.


As they enjoy themselves, the brothers make their way to the rooftop. Despite Woo-Hak’s attempts to hold him back, Bo-Gyeol proceeds to formally greet Mok-ha, taking Woo-Hak by surprise. This prompts Yoon Ran-Joo to ponder if Bo-Gyeol is someone she has encountered before.

Later that night, Yoon Ran-Joo and Seo Mok-Ha reflect on the latter’s resilience in surviving the harsh island conditions. Ran-Joo admits that she would have likely succumbed within a year if faced with the same situation. Mok-Ha reveals that she did contemplate suicide, recalling a time she plunged into the ocean, only to have her life unexpectedly saved by an ice box. This brings them back to the initial scene where Mok-Ha discovers nothing but expired ramen inside the box, which she consumed despite its condition. This moment of finding the ramen made her realize that if she had given up even five minutes sooner, she would have missed out on that last taste of life. Hence, she chose to persevere.

Yoon Ran-Joo shares her life’s trials with Mok-Ha, revealing that she suffered from vocal nodules and underwent surgery without consulting either her mother or President Lee. As her condition affected her performances, she started losing engagements, and her voice faltered during live shows. As her fanbase dwindled, media outlets began branding her as a has-been. Reaching a low point, she considered taking her own life until Mok-Ha’s arrival. Resolved to push past her struggles, Ran-Joo suggests they share a drink together.

At the same time, Bo-Geol and Woo-Hak are embroiled in an argument. Woo-Hak is skeptical of Bo-Geol’s sudden courteous demeanor towards Mok-Ha, particularly since he was originally opposed to her staying with them. Bo-Geol admits to accepting Mok-Ha’s presence now but insists Woo-Hak should cease dredging up the past, especially since the events from fifteen years ago obviously still cause him distress.


In another part of town, Jung Ki-Ho’s father is engaged in purchasing comprehensive insurance, including indemnity coverage. The insurance agent, who has clocked 4000 km in his car, remarks on never having sighted Ki-Ho. Ki-Ho’s father, however, notes that Ki-Ho would be unrecognizable now. Furthermore, with Seo Mok-Ha resurfacing in the news, he speculates that Ki-Ho might have seen her and might seek her out. The insurance agent, a school acquaintance of Ki-Ho, places a call to Young-Ju after Ki-Ho’s father departs, notifying her of Ki-Ho’s father’s attempts to locate Ki-Ho. Young-Ju and her spouse, who have shared a childhood with both Ki-Ho and Mok-Ha, fear that Ki-Ho’s father is intent on finding Mok-Ha in hopes of reaching Ki-Ho.

The next day, Ran-joo wakes up with a hangover and realizes the repercussions of her drunken actions from the night before—offering all her money as rent to the Kang family, promising Seo Mok-Ha an audition, and brazenly demanding President Lee arrange an audition for her, even calling him “Dead Meat.”


In the sober light of day, she reaches out to President Lee, pleading for an audition, to which he agrees to give her 15 minutes. This entire episode unfolds as Seo Mok-Ha, Woo-Hak, and Bo-Gyeol listen in from their hiding spot.


While Woo-Hak encourages Ran-joo to seize this chance, Seo Mok-Ha is disheartened by the sight of Ran-joo’s fall from grace.

At their residence, Ran-Joo is exuberant about Seo Mok-Ha’s opportunity to audition.

In the meantime, Jung Ki-ho’s father pays a visit to the fisherman who now runs Mok-Ha’s former restaurant. To his surprise, he learns that Mok-Ha had been there earlier. Gleaning Kang Woo-Hak’s contact information from them, he soon finds himself standing outside the YGN Entertainment Office.

Inside YGN, Bo-Gyeol is sipping coffee in a meeting room while the variety show’s head discusses business with Ran-Joo’s manager.


They quickly realize the manager is likely fabricating excuses. They discover that the song Ran-Joo performed is charting at 67th place. It emerges that the manager’s actions are part of a strategy conceived by President Lee, who stands to lose a considerable share of the company to Ran-Joo if her sales reach 20 million copies within the next six months. The plan, then, is to delay and prevent this from happening—a tactic Mok-Ha discerns with sharp insight.

Ran-Joo arrives at the office with Seo Mok-Ha just as President Lee makes an appearance, but he’s visibly uninterested in hearing her audition. He had previously toyed with her, suggesting instead that she should consider becoming a manager. Ran-Joo resists the idea, questioning how she could transition to management without experience or connections.


On top of confronting the harsh reality of her age and idol status, as well as the implications for her education and training, Seo Mok-Ha feels like she’s being metaphorically submerged by her circumstances, but she still manages to find a lifeline of resolve. She sees through President Lee’s charade, recognizing his opportunistic nature and refusal to support Yoon Ran-Joo. Amidst the heated exchange, she interrupts and, in a moment of defiant determination, agrees to take on the role of manager.


Seo Mok-Ha is seen calculating the album sales Ran-Joo needs to sell in order to secure a fifty percent stake in her company; she determines that selling 84,731 albums will get her there.

Meanwhile, Ran-joo boldly interrupts President Lee during a meeting, declaring her determination to sell the remaining albums within six months to claim her rightful half of the company shares.


Her poise and conviction unsettle him. In an attempt to mollify her, he offers to organize an audition for Mok-Ha. After the confrontation, Ran-joo walks out of the office.

In a twist of fate, Mok-Ha decides to become Ran-joo’s manager to assist her in selling the needed albums. Bo-Gyeol, seeing potential in their partnership, presents his business card and suggests they hire the show ‘Heyday’ for Ran-joo’s return to the spotlight.


Feeling defeated about her current state, Ran-joo returns home, only to be pleasantly surprised that Mok-Ha has already secured her a spot on a variety show.

As the night falls, Mok-Ha and Ran-joo sit down to select the song for the performance. Ran-joo proposes that Mok-Ha perform “That Night,” and reveals her own connection with Ki-Ho, who had previously reached out to Ran-joo to reminisce about Mok-Ha, even leaving a photograph. Inspired by that encounter, Ran-joo had composed the song.


Learning of Ki-Ho’s heartfelt gestures leaves Mok-Ha deeply moved. That evening, she sings “That Night,” stirring emotions in the observing brothers and triggering flashbacks of Ki-Ho yearning for her.

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